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Annual Premium Subscription

As a premium member you will get instant and unlimited access to ALL Mysportscience academy courses, lectures, and webinars!

Subscribing annually gives you 2 months free compared to our monthly subscription!
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What's included in your Premium Subscription?

Access to ALL courses

You will have unlimited access to ALL Mysportscience Academy courses, including premium content. New courses added monthly.

Learn at your own pace

Complete the courses and lectures at your own pace. You can dip in and out of courses whenever you like.

Access to premium courses

As a premium subscriber, you will have access to all premium content. These are our top courses.


Every time you complete a course, you will receive a personalised certificate.

Key readings

Each course included in your subscription will have key readings to help you further your knowledge.

Learn from the very best

Our courses are delivered by world leaders within the field so you will be learning from the best.


Premium Annual

Scroll across to see all of the courses included in our Premium Annual subscription.
You will have unlimited access to all of these courses as part of your subscription.